FCE and 4-H news

The Douglas County Family Community Education Council had an installation ceremony for its 2003 officers on Jan. 8.

The new officers are Myrna Hartford, president; Alice Eisele, vice president; Frances Rake, secretary; Eda Thomason, treasurer; Darlene Bright, public relations; and Pauline Nunemaker, historian.

Genny Hunsinger, Aliene Bieber and Sammy Locke were appointed to the Educational Program Committee. Margaret Fuston, Alice Eisele and Darlene Bright were named to the Glenna Felts Memorial Committee. Darlene Bright was named chairwoman of the Red Cross Cookies Committee. Rachel Purvis was appointed to the Educational Tours Committee.

The Belleview and 59ers FCE units each will donate six dozen cookies for the Red Cross Blood Drive, which will be today at First Christian Church.


The Vinland Family Community Education will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Vinland Methodist Church. Mariann Bradley and Lola Ford will be co-hostesses. Members will answer roll call by naming their mother’s treatment for a cold. Kayellen Hess will present the lesson “Life’s Little Book of Wellness.”


The Eudora 4-H Club went Christmas caroling in December at the Eudora Nursing Center and Pinecrest Apartments. Several members celebrated the holidays with a party Dec. 15 at St. Paul United Church of Christ. They enjoyed musical chairs, limbo, food and a gift exchange.

The group met for its monthly meeting Jan. 6 at the church. Lacey Gabriel displayed the pencil holder she received a blue ribbon on at the past Douglas County Free Fair. Jordan Ballock demonstrated how to make “haystacks” out of butterscotch chips, peanut butter and chow mein noodles. Megan Ballock showed members some supplies, including stencils, that she used in scrapbooking.

Eudora 4-H members will compete in 4-H County Days, which will be Feb. 1 at West Junior High School.

The club’s next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Feb. 3 at St. Paul United Church of Christ. Members are encouraged to wear red for Valentine’s Day.