Board candidate shares plans during online chat

Here are excerpts from Tuesday night’s online chat with Scott Morgan, who is running for re-election to the Lawrence School Board:

Lawrence resident: Tell me, really, is the district’s administrative staff bloated?

Scott Morgan: That’s a pretty popular opinion. Administration is usually everyone’s number one place to cut. Because of that, the board has cut there first. That being said, I’m sure it will take another hit this year along with every other part of the district.

Adrian Melott: What is your position on the teaching of creationism or “Intelligent Design” in school science classes?

Morgan: I have very little interest in having USD 497 be my children’s spiritual adviser. Evolution should be taught in our schools. We should not weaken our science program by mixing it with religion. I will take care of that for my children.

Lawrence resident: How can you justify your support for a $59 million bond issue when the Kansas economy is suffering?

Morgan: Now is a great time for this bond. Interest rates are at an all-time low, construction bids will be lower, and the jobs are needed.