Religion briefs

First United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church, 946 Vt., will have a women’s retreat Sept. 5-6 at Tall Oaks Retreat Center.

Tom Jacobs, a recording artist, yoga instructor and retreat facilitator, will entertain the group with music and stories.

Registration forms for the women’s retreat are available at First United Methodist Church. The deadline is Friday.

For more information, call 841-7500.

Lawrence Baptist Temple

Lawrence Baptist Temple will begin its weekly Bible institute at 6 p.m. Aug. 16. The Bible study is a three-year program. For more information, call 841-1756 or register at the church, 3201 W. 31st.

Living Water Church

Living Water Church will meet at 9:45 a.m. Sunday at the Lawrence Visitor Center, 402 N. Second St. Kevin Ford, an apostolic representative from International Apostolic Ministries in Dover, Fla., will be guest speaker.

Plymouth Congregational Church

Youth Ecumenical Saturday for seventh- through ninth-graders from various Lawrence churches is Aug. 23. The events will begin at Plymouth Congregational Church, 925 Vt., and end with a dance at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, 6001 W. 15th St. Registration is $10.

For more information, call Plymouth Congregational Church office at 843-3220.

Trinity Episcopal Church

The Forty Good Minutes discussion group has scheduled two events to supplement its discussion of Genesis at the Matthews Center, 1027 Vt.

The group will discuss the history and development of Genesis with Rev. George Wiley, Baker University religion professor, at 9:30 a.m. Sunday.

On Aug. 17, the group will discuss the development of the Mosaic Books, the first five books of the Bible, in a group meeting with the Rev. John Macauley, professor of religious studies at Kansas University.

Trinity Lutheran Church

Interfaith Caring Neighbors will have a fund-raising garage sale from 7 a.m. to noon Aug. 16 at Trinity Lutheran Church, 1245 N.H. Interfaith is a local nonprofit agency that provides volunteers to elder Lawrence and Eudora residents living independently.

Donations of household items and furniture will be accepted the week preceding the sale, and volunteers are needed to assist with pickup of some items from donors’ homes.

To donate or assist with the sale, call 749-2005.

Wheatland Church of Christ

The Wheatland Church of Christ has a recovery group for men struggling with pornography and other sexual addictions. The groups are confidential.

For more information, contact Darrell Brazell at 842-5413 or by e-mail at

St. Luke AME Church

St. Luke AME Church, 900 N.Y., will have its annual Men’s and Women’s Day at 3:30 p.m. Aug. 17. Plans include a musical extravaganza with local and out-of-town churches contributing songs.

From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., St. Luke will sell catfish dinners. Cost is $7 for adults and $5 for children 10 and under.

For more information, call 841-0847.