No safe smoke

To the editor:

Regarding the recent editorial concerning a potential smoking ban in Lawrence — it seems clear that some of us are losing sight of the most important issue.

There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS). Even the smoke from one cigarette can harm someone who has asthma or a smoke sensitivity. Repeated exposure can cause lung cancer, heart disease and numerous other heath problems.

Scores of federal and private health agencies have proven that SHS is dangerous. Obviously SHS is an extraordinary public health concern, yet we still worry more about offending people or imposing too many rules.

This isn’t about rights or over-regulation. Our lives are impacted every day by policies designed to safeguard our health. People can drink, but it is against the law to drive drunk. Someone can own a gun, but it is illegal to intentionally hurt someone. It’s not unreasonable to mandate that everyone be able to patronize the establishment of their choice without putting their health at risk.

If you’re still worried about owners having a choice or how the market will react to a ban, consider this: Nonsmokers make choices too and many choose not to risk their health by frequenting establishments where smoking is allowed. When you consider the fact that about four out of five Kansans do not smoke, it’s likely that many businesses are losing customers right now and they don’t even realize it.

Kim Bellemere,
