Women getting involved in home improvements

Move over, gentlemen. You’ve got company on home-improvement projects.

According to Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse, women have muscled their way into the traditionally male bastion of projects, improvements and repairs.

In a national survey of women homeowners, 94 percent say they’ve completed a home-improvement project, and more than half 57 percent rate themselves above average as a do-it-yourselfer. That’s a 7 percent increase from a similar survey conducted just one year ago.

Today’s woman is a veritable Jill of all trades. A whopping 86 percent of the married and single women surveyed routinely handle everyday chores such as fix-ups, gardening and landscaping. Another 84 percent handle interior decorating projects on their own.

Why are women rolling up their sleeves on projects? Melissa Birdsong, director of trend forecasting and design for Lowe’s, says women dive into home projects for the same reasons as men: The work is rewarding and inspiring. “Women find that do-it-yourself projects are enjoyable and gratifying,” says Birdsong. “And the satisfaction of starting and finishing something you do yourself is empowering and a confidence boost.”

Yet it’s not that women relegate themselves to minor tasks only. Serious maintenance projects including gutter work and exterior painting were undertaken by nearly 60 percent of the women polled.