Out with old?

The board of directors of the museum should have been out raising funds to combat the dramatic decrease in the reserve. The board of directors has fallen short of their duties of fund raising. Fund raising should be the responsibility of the board not the director of a museum. Dr. Jansen has never made a financial or management decision at the museum. All of these decisions have been made by the management committee, a subcommittee of the board of directors. This is the group that the commissioners need to examine not Steve Jansen.

Ms. Argersinger indicated that the reason for the decrease in donations was that many individuals will not donate until Dr. Jansen is gone. Well, I for one have decided not to donate to the museum again until a new board of directors is selected. I imagine if you polled the public the majority would be in my camp. It is too bad that the members of the board of directors for a historical museum use the motto, out with the old and in with the new!

Mary Berg,
