Old home town – 100 years ago today

On Sept. 9, 1902, the Lawrence World reported on Prof. Lewis Lindsay Dyche’s plans for arrangements of displays in the under construction natural history museum at KU. The World noted that Dyche “says that those who expect to see things arranged in a few days after moving in will be greatly mistaken. He will place them to the best advantage at once, but it will take at least 10 years to work out in detail the plans he has in mind. These plans call for the mounting of a great many of the specimens that he has secured in times past, but has never had time to mount.

In the architecture of the new building care was taken not to flood it with light. The bright rays of the sun fade out the specimens and in several places in the east valued exhibits are only uncovered one hour in the morning and another in the afternoon when the light was not too strong. When things are completed Kansas will have a wonderful museum.”