Sister wishes others could see Ali as she does

I have an autistic sister, and her name is Ali.

You may ask, “What is autism?” It is very hard to explain. Think of it this way. Autism is when you have a “point A” and “point C” in the brain, but no “point B” to connect things.

Ali has a severe case. She sometimes acts at the mental level of a 4-year-old.

People look at Ali like she is a freak. What people don’t know is that she is an intelligent person. Ali asks for what she wants. She laughs all the time because Mom and I play and joke around with her. She is also very protective of me.

It is fun to be Ali’s sister. I think that if Ali wasn’t my sister, my life would be dull and boring.

Ali has the life that everyone’s should be. She is free. She isn’t mean.

When Ali draws, she shows expression and feeling. She also likes to watch TV. She enjoys “Lord of the Rings” and “Harry Potter.”

When I get into trouble for doing something wrong, she hugs me like she understands and wants to make it better because she does understand.

When Mommy comes home crying after looking for work all day, Ali hugs her and tries to make Mommy laugh.

She is the best sister in the world.

I have a friend who has an autistic brother. She says that once you get to know autistic children, they’re really nice.

Another friend said he doesn’t understand why some people make fun of autistic students and call them bad names.

I agree.

Autistic people should be treated with respect. They shouldn’t be outcasts. After all, they are just like the rest of us. They have differences.

If people just got to know Ali, they would understand.