Witness recalls ring discovery

? Toni Greene told jurors Monday that she was just being a nosey mother when she went through the jacket pockets of a young man her teenage daughter had met at the mall days earlier.

She found a diamond engagement ring in the pocket of Jonathan Carr’s leather jacket. He was sleeping on her living room couch at the time.

But it was not until later that day when she heard on the television that an engagement ring had been stolen from the victims of a quadruple homicide that morning that she connected the ring and the car parked outside her house with the crime.

Greene gathered her daughter, Tronda Adams, and a niece and went to a neighbor’s house across the street.

“I was afraid,” she testified.

She called 911.

“I told them the guy they are looking for is in my home,” she said.

Jonathan Carr bolted from the house when police arrived and was arrested a short distance away just hours after his brother, Reginald Carr, was arrested at his apartment.

The brothers are on trial in Sedgwick County District Court for crimes stemming from a nine-day robbery and killing rampage in December 2000. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

On Monday, Greene identified on the witness the diamond ring she saw in Jonathan Carr’s pocket that day.

It was the ring prosecutors contend was the engagement ring Jason Befort planned to give his girlfriend, the sole survivor of the shootings that left four others dead.