What are you reading?

Melissa Dimoush, insurance agent, Lawrence

“‘Into the Night.’ I don’t remember who the author is, though.”

Robin Hartpence, elementary school librarian, Lawrence

“I’m reading ‘Skipping Christmas’ by John Grisham, but I’m looking for my next one.”

Donna Bell, director at Brandon Woods, Lawrence

“I just finished the fourth Harry Potter book. It was fantastic.”

Lori Sandman, electronics technician, Lawrence

“I’m reading a back book, ‘Treat Your Back,’ or something like that. It’s a health book my doctor prescribed to me. And I’m reading ‘Electric Circuits’ by Graff.”

Jerry Mittlestadt, fuel hauler, Kansas City, Mo.

“I studied principles of electronics and wireless technology so I could be a licensed technician. After that, I’ve been trying to improve my algebra skills. I never read fiction books.”