In the halls

This week’s question asked at Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vt.

What is the biggest fight you’ve ever had with a sibling?

Augustus Harrison, fifth grade, McLouth Elementary School
“There was a tree house with a trap door that didn’t have a handle. I was up there and couldn’t get it open. I yelled for my brother, but he didn’t come help, and when I finally got down, we had a big fight.”

Ripp Harrison, 11th grade, McLouth High School
“We had a fight over who had to take the dog out. He said he’d done it the day before, and I said I had, and then I got mad and pushed him down the stairs.”

Rayyan Kamal, seventh grade, Southwest Junior High School
“Probably in the car. I was being loud and he got annoyed, and we fought. I got in trouble after that.”

Caitlyn Tilden, third grade, Quail Run School
“My brother hates it when I sing, but I love to sing, so he fights with me about if I can sing. Most of the time we get along, though.”

Nakai Marr, sixth grade, Deerfield School
“One time my little brother took a towel and whipped me with it on the back, and I chased him around the house and got him in a headlock.”

Bri Reynolds, sixth grade, Deerfield School
“One time I took my brother’s stuffed animal so he tried to push me down the stairs. I picked him up and threw him on the bed and jumped on it and started tickling him. He got really mad and started pulling my hair.”

Valerie Hird, sixth grade, Deerfield School
“This afternoon we were trying to pick up the house. My sister forgot to tell me we had chores to do, and she threw a book at me. Then I picked it up and threw it back at her.”

Brianna Hird, eighth grade, West Junior High School
“Probably about doing chores. We have to split them and sometimes she just sits on the couch.”