Mild weather allows us time to finish work before winter

The wonderfully mild temperatures have allowed us to spend one last weekend outdoors. Although many gardeners have put their tools away for the winter, there are still a few gardening chores that need tending. Here is a brief list of flower-bed to-do’s that need to be finished before winter sets in.

It is common practice to clean up annual and perennial flowers during the fall to help control insect and disease problems. However, if your herbaceous perennials have been pest free, you might consider leaving some dormant stems to provide structure, form and color to the winter garden. Plants such as ornamental grasses wave gently in the breeze, collect snow and ice, and create a safe place for birds to roost. Likewise, perennials with evergreen or semi-evergreen foliage provide color in an otherwise monotone landscape.

Aesthetics are not the only reason for leaving dormant plant parts. Foliage left on marginally hardy plants such as mums and tender ferns helps protect young green growth next spring. Likewise, seed heads of some perennials supply winter food for birds. And finally, remaining plant parts serve as a reminder where plants are located when completing early spring chores.

Following cleanup, feed your perennials. Fall is a great time to fertilize sleeping plants. Even though they may look dormant, the root system is actively growing and absorbing nutrients for spring growth. Apply one pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of bed. For example, apply 10 pounds of 10-10-10 type fertilize per 1,000 square feet. Water the fertilizer in if rain is not expected in the next few days.

Finally, if you recently planted or have perennial flowers that are shallow rooted, it is best if they are mulched for the winter. Wait until the ground has frozen. This may not be for several weeks. Then use a loose organic material such as old straw, compost or shredded leaves from the yard. The thermal blanket helps keep the soil temperatures constant and prevents the plants from being heaved from the soil by the freezing and thawing actions of winter temperatures.

As the fall gardening season comes to an end, so do our gardening activities. One of the last areas of the landscape that needs tending are the flower beds. A quick fall clean-up, the addition of fertilizer, and a light blanket of mulch will help ensure your perennial flowers make it through this winter.

” Bruce Chladny is horticulture agent at K-State Research and Extension-Douglas County. For more information, call him at 843-7058 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays.