In the halls

Asked at West Junior High School

What do you like about science?

Ted Heffner, 13 years old, seventh grade

“I like it when we do experiments with rocks.”

Michael Rezayadzdi, 13 years old, seventh grade

“I pretty much like science because of the experiments. We made this solar oven once.”

Matt Sloan, 13 years old, seventh grade

“I like it because it’s interesting. I learn short, pointless facts every day.”

Zachary Bradburn, 14 years old, eighth grade

“I’d have to say watching the reactions when we combine chemicals.”

Kelsey Sweeten, 14 years old, eighth grade

“I don’t like science. It’s boring.”

Grace Beaton, 13 years old, eighth grade

“It’s boring and I don’t learn anything. It’s not fun.”

Suzanne Mayse, 13 years old, seventh grade

“My favorite part is the experiments. This year we even cooked stuff.”

John Stewart, 14 years old, eighth grade

“The experiments because they’re hands-on learning experiences.”