Courageous stand

To the editor:

It takes courage to stand up for justice anytime, but most particularly, does it take courage when you must stand alone.

We place our hand on our heart when we pledge allegiance to our country vowing, “liberty and justice for all.” In this great land, we just assume that “justice” is a given. Who could imagine anyone in a position of power abusing his office in any way!

Dr. Robert Hemenway, in standing up for Christine Pelton, a graduate of Kansas University who resigned her teaching position following a cheating incident in the Piper school district, also showed great courage in speaking up in her behalf.

The thousands of parents who send their children to this university must be comforted in recognizing the integrity of this man in whose care their children are placed.

Was it not Martin Luther King Jr. who said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”?

Mary Siegrist,
