Jordan plans to play next year if knee improves

? For a change, Michael Jordan wasn’t 99.9 percent sure of anything.

Jordan said Thursday he plans to play next season. He also said he probably won’t play unless his injured knee improves.

“You guys are asking me to make a decision about next season now,” Jordan said after the Washington Wizards practice. “Based on how I feel, that’s not really fair. My intention, my contract lasts for next season. I have all intent of living out my contract.

“But, if I physically can’t, if I go through the same situation I’ve been going through this year, it’s not meaningful for me.”

Jordan was taken aback by the tempest created by Wizards coach Doug Collins, who said on an ESPN program Wednesday that he’d be surprised if Jordan plays next season.

Jordan usually doesn’t speak on non-game days, but he broke his routine to admonish reporters for “running with something” that’s been obvious all along.