On the money

A key strategy known as asset allocation prevents a person’s hard-earned savings from becoming tied up in one investment and helps reduce the chances of a portfolio meltdown.

How does asset allocation work? Well, several Web sites can tell you.

Here is a quick list of sites with useful details on asset allocation:

Asset-Analysis.com atwww.asset-analysis.com/assetalloc/aaintro.html . It discusses the asset allocation concept, with interactive portfolio examples.

Invest1to1.com at www.invest1to1.com/invest1to1/planning/allocation/rebalancing.html. It contains an article with tips and insights into asset allocation.

InvestorGuide.com at www.investorguide.com/igu investportfolio.html. The site offers good overview of asset allocation principles.

Oppenheimer Funds at www.oppenheimerfunds.com/investors/education/assetAllo cation.jhtml. It provides good information and examples of how asset allocation works.