A sad day

I love school, but if these things are taken away, school will seem like prison! And I want to be a singer when I grow up. So I need music class. And you’re not allowed to draw in upper grades. So how are we going to express ourselves without art class? Oh, and P.E.: It stands for physical education. Education is the key word. And we only get one short recess at our school, and sooner or later we will have no recess.

Another reason for P.E. and library: How are we supposed to do research without the library?

Nurse. Someone could fake it sick, and the school would have to send them home. School like this is going to kill all the kids this is happening to. We will be like walking zombies! So I encourage anybody who doesn’t want this to happen to do what I am doing: Writing letters and petitions. Please do so, or fun at school could be lost.

Amanda Sims,

fifth grade
