Business profile: Furnishings Designer builds interior business in Lawrence

Company: Furnishings, 1601 W. 23rd St., Suite 107.

Owner: Barb Heck, president.

Number of employees: Five.

Years in business: Two, but Heck has been in business for more than 25 years in the Lawrence area.

Main products and services: Furniture, home accessories, lamps, pictures, mirrors, florals, interior design services and fashion, including drapes and reupholstery work.

Why is the Lawrence area a good place for the business? “I have been in Lawrence since 1970 and watched it grow from a town into a small city,” Heck said. “Having the influences of KU and Kansas City provides Lawrence a very sophisticated and cosmopolitan population. Furnishings provides furniture, accessories and interior design services to exactly that population. Our inventory is unique and services personalized, as opposed to the mass-inventory merchants.”

What are the company’s growth plans? “I would love to expand the number of lines I can showcase on the floor,” she said.

Where do you see the business in five years? “I would like to see Furnishings continue to grow in terms of the surrounding areas we service,” Heck said.

Something you may be surprised to learn about the business: “Furnishings is my third store,” Heck said. “I first opened Stitch On in downtown Lawrence in 1976. It is still in operation on Mass. Street.”