
Havana: Cubans asked to declare socialism ‘untouchable’

Millions of Cubans are being asked to publicly affirm Fidel Castro’s four-decade-old socialist system as “untouchable” in a government campaign defying calls for democratic reforms.

During four days beginning today, all Cubans 16 years of age and older will be asked to sign a petition saying they support a constitutional amendment declaring the nation’s economic, political and social systems “untouchable” meaning they cannot be changed.

Opposition activists say the effort is Castro’s answer to their own civil liberties campaign, known as the Varela Project. Most Cubans first heard of Varela last month in a speech by former President Jimmy Carter, who was visiting the island.

Government officials expect most Cubans to sign, but a number of island dissidents complained that no political or economic system should be engraved in stone for future generations.

Congo: 60 killed in attack

Automatic gunfire erupted in the capital of the Republic of Congo on Friday as rebels launched their first attack on Brazzaville since restarting this West African nation’s civil war in late March.

Col. Jean Robert Obargui, an army spokesman, said 52 rebels, four army officers and four civilians were killed during the attack, which had ended by midmorning.

State radio said at least 37 civilians were injured by cross fire. Government troops fought to oust the attackers from the southern end of the city, as hundreds of residents fled, carrying suitcases and mattresses on their heads.

Army officers, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the rebels had targeted the city’s main military base, not far from the international airport which was temporarily closed.

“The Ninjas’ objective was to destroy our attack helicopters,” one officer said.