Old home town – 100 years ago today

In 1902 – On July 21, 1902 the Lawrence World editorialized: “The amount of perjury in the police court of this city is simply appalling. The average witness has no hesitancy in swearing to a lie. In practically every case some one swears to a lie. The police judge knows this but he seems to be powerless. The only thing to do to stop such a disgraceful condition of affairs is to send some of these fellows to the penitentiary for perjury. The good people of Lawrence insist upon the enforcement of the laws and ordinances and they are right but they do not realize the difficulties in the way. There must be reform in the administration of justice in the police court. Perjury is becoming so common that it is next to impossible to secure a conviction. The police judge cannot decide a case except on the evidence before him and in many cases he is morally certain that the parties are swearing to lies. However he is powerless unless the testimony is impeached. It is time to stop this lying in police court.”