Misdirected attack

Mr. Will has attempted to turn a serious debate about the uncertain, but likely, effects of school vouchers into an argument about the morality of labor unions, professional educators and liberals. It won’t work, George.

Contrary to what Mr. Will claims, opposition to choice is not “the starkest immorality in contemporary politics.” Choice is good. But what is good is not necessarily mandatory. Because he cannot take seriously the concern that vouchers will prove in time to violate the church/state barrier and the even more immediate concern that vouchers will damage an already under-funded system of public education, Mr. Will attacks those who hold them. He bases his attack on opponents of vouchers on the absurd idea that it is he and not liberals, union members, and educators who have the interest of poor children at heart. His history of attacking “entitlements” for the poor speaks for itself. If he can’t be logical, he should try being consistent.

Paul Fairchild,
