On the money

Has the “Dogs of the Dow” strategy, a popular stock-picking method based on dividend yield, lost its bite among investors? In the current economic climate, perhaps not.

To learn about how the “Dogs of the Dow” strategy works and what stocks currently offer the highest dividend yield, you might want to check out some dividend information sites found on the Internet.

Here are some of the Web sites devoted to dividend yield data and investing:

Dogs of the Dow at www.dogsofthedow.com. An investment resource devoted to high-dividend yield stocks.

Dow Jones Indexes at www.djindexes.com/jsp/dow510Faq.jsp. It provides an explanation of how “Dogs of the Dow” stock picking works.

StockSelector.com at www.stockselector.com/topyield.asp. The site offers daily updated lists of equities with the highest dividend yields.

WinningInvestments.com at www.winninginvestments.com/Dogs.asp. The site explains the three different approaches to the “Dogs of the Dow” dividend yield strategy.