Poor planning

Everyone in the region is appreciative for the efforts KDHE has made to protect the environment, our quality of life and the health of the public in general.

We have seen KDHE bend over backward to help John Coen through the permitting process. The problem is the site is not conducive to a large dairy.

After much research, on Jan. 23, the decision was reached  the intent to deny the application for a permit for the John Coen Dairy. The three reasons were:

1. The ground water at the Coen site is within 10 feet of the surface. Regulations require a 32-foot separation.

2. John Coen has had difficulty finding land for disposal of the manure. He has 621.77 acres of land available. This facility requirement is 1,221.61 acres.

3. Plans for equipment are inadequate for protecting the health of our community and water.

John Coen has attempted to make this a personal fight against KDHE and his community when it is really a matter of poor planning on his part.

Mattie Perry,
