Warm weather expected for weekend

Don’t be alarmed at that large glowing disk in the sky.

“I’m no expert in astronomy, but I do believe that is the sun,” said Matt Makens, 6News meteorologist. “At least that’s what I learned in school.”

¢ For the latest forecast, go to weather.lawrence.com and tune in at 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. to Sunflower Broadband Channel 6.

The Lawrence area, which has been covered by clouds since Tuesday, is finally getting some sunshine and warmer temperatures.

“We’ll see it through the weekend,” Makens said.

Friday’s forecast calls for clear skies for the rest of the day, with highs reaching 50, he said. The overnight low will be 23, with starry skies.

Saturday will be warm, with a high of 56. And Sunday will be even warmer, with temperatures in the low to mid 60s, he said.

“So it’s good for shoping the outdoor shops of Mass. Street,” he said.

The extended forecast calls for more clouds on Monday and Wednesday, he said.will return during the first part of next week, with a chance of rain coming on Wednesday, he said.