On the money

In recent years, the path to a comfortable retirement has become bumpier. But there are a few useful road maps out there designed to prove retirement saving guidance.

Several books offer strategic insights into retirement planning. If you need a bit of advice on saving for your golden years or have to make up for lost saving time, one of the following titles may be of help.

  • “Retirement Planning in 24 Hours,” by Alan Feigenbaum; Aplha, 2002 ($19.99). It provides information on how to inventory retirement assets and assess retirement needs.
  • “The Retirement Catch Up Guide,” by Ellen Hoffman; Newmarket Press, 2002 ($14.95). The book offers insights on how to downsize your expenses and become a more effective saver.
  • “Strategic Investing After 50,” by Julie Jason; John Wiley & Sons, 2001 ($16.95). It covers retirement planning and understanding portfolio objectives.
  • “Retire Worry Free,” by the editors of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance; Kiplinger Books, 2001 ($17.95). It offers information on estimating future needs.