School transfers

To the editor:

They want to live in an old house; they want to call the place they live their neighborhood. Isn’t it strange that they don’t want their kids to go to school with the kids in their neighborhood. My hunch is they bought what they could afford and now don’t want to move because it is too much trouble and since the school board has allowed a ridiculous transfer policy to exist, now a ridiculous study was done to find out what a ridiculous decision some past board members made.

Draw the boundaries! The schools are only as good as the parents and what the parents teach their children. If some parent feels so compelled to transfer their child, then they pay a transfer fee of $1,500 per child. This money would then be given to the school that the child should have gone to. That school could use it for playground equipment instead of raiding the Community Development monies that should be going to provide sidewalks, upgraded housing in the target neighborhoods.

Fifteen hundred dollars is a small price to pay and much cheaper than moving.

P.S. Too bad another piece of real estate comes off the tax rolls for a private school. How much will this cost the taxpayers in lost revenue?

David Holroyd,
