Readers, choose your comics

Here’s a list of the comics that appear in the Journal-World. Pick your three favorites, and rank them in order, with No. 1 being your most favorite. Then let us know which ones you could live without. For those strips, make No. 1 the strip you’d least miss seeing.

And if there are strips you’d like to see in the Journal-World, include them in your top three ranking.

Send your completed ballot to Comics Survey, The News Center, 645 N.H., Lawrence, 66044.

Vote online at

Your favorites:

1. _________________

2. _________________

3. _________________


Your least favorites:

1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________


Here’s what we offer:


 Baby Blues

 Beetle Bailey

 The Better Half (Sunday only)


 Born Loser




 The Family Circus

 For Better or For Worse



 Hagar the Horrible


 Hi and Lois

 Luann (Sunday only)



 Non Sequitur




 Sally Forth

 Sherman’s Lagoon


