Kindness Unites Us for Celia Miller

Kindness: being of a sympathetic nature, benevolent and compassionate. We all know someone with these qualities, a person who has given up something in order to help us succeed or done a few random nice things, but can you think of anyone who has consistently shown that towards you? Although many people have been kind to me throughout my life, one person stands out the most.

I met Celia Miller four years ago when I began horseback riding at her daughter’s barn. From the first time I was out there, she was always willing to help me with anything. I hadn’t ridden for awhile and I was also new to it, so when I had a question or a problem she was one of the first people I turned to. She has been riding for over 30 years so I trusted anything she told me. I got to know her really well, and in a few weeks she became more of a friend of mine and not just another adult I rode with.

Celia is one of the most positive people I know, and I look up to her for that. She also is incredibly determined and never gives up. I’ve never seen her quit something she cannot do; she always finds a way to accomplish anything she sets her mind to. On top of that, Celia is very caring and mothering to me and many other people. She treats everyone with care and has become like another grandmother to me.

Not only is she kind to me, but she’s kind to others as well. Every Valentine’s Day she helps make and deliver valentine cards to residents of nursing homes. She also sings Christmas carols with me and some of the other riders at retirement homes around the holidays, and every year we’ve done it she hasn’t failed to visit her friend there and sing to him. Sometimes children visit the barn or we take horses to elementary schools, and she always offers to give kids rides. Everyone always has a smile on their face when they are around her, she has such a wonderful attitude that spreads to every person around her. I find that willingness to help others and to cheer up people an excellent characteristic to have, and Celia is not one without it.

There are many people I could have chosen to write this about, but I believe Celia Miller is the most worthy of recognition out of anyone I can think of. I admire her greatly, and she is one of my most influential role models. She is so kindhearted and thoughtful of me and everyone I know; she has impacted my personality a lot and makes me strive to be a wonderful person, like herself. I hope I am able to become as empathetic and kind as Celia.