Kindness Essay for Coy Weege

United States National Soccer team player, Joy Fawcett once said, “You have to keep the fun alive if you’re not going to enjoy it, what’s the point?” Coy Weege is the coach who made the difference for me, and taught me how to keep the fun alive. Coy possesses the patience to handle any situation with grace. Because of him, I am a better soccer player and a better person. My favorite characteristic of Coy is undoubtedly his contagiously positive attitude. Coy Weege isn’t just a terrific soccer coach; he is a terrific person also.

Coy has shown me an abundance of patience. The things this man has put up with will never cease to amaze me. Throughout the three years he coached my soccer team, Coy dealt with so many situations gracefully that would have sent an average person into a maelstrom of rage. It takes a very special person to respond with a smile after discovering his keys in a porta-potty. Coy also had the patience to teach me that it is not a good idea to play soccer in a skimpy little bikini. Coy Weege is one of a kind, and I’ll probably never find anyone else who can put up with so much, and make the best out of any situation like he can.

I am a much better person than I was three years ago. Not only did Coy help me improve my soccer skills; he also taught me how to apply them to the rest of my life. I used to be scared to take on boys twice my size on the soccer field, and sometimes to speak up off of the field. Coy taught me how to get over those silly phobias, and made me ready to take on the world. This man helped me grow from a hesitant, shy, and timid sixth-grader into the assertive, confident, and outgoing freshman that I am today.

His exceptionally nifty personality makes Coy one of my very favorite people. More than anything else, Coy has been my friend. Most soccer coaches are old, bossy, and parent-like, but certainly not Coy! This man is more like one of the kids, and has an innate sense of joy. His carefree attitude can make even sprinting up hills seem like fun. Coy’s perpetual smiles are contagious, and can brighten even the worst of days.

Some people are great soccer coaches, and others are great people. Very few people can honestly say they’re both. Coy is an overall exceptional man who is remarkable in every way, and has shown me nothing but kindness. He puts up with everything, and always comes away with a smile. Coy isn’t only a teacher of soccer; he is also a teacher of life. He spreads joy to everyone he meets. Coy Weege is a marvelous soccer coach, and a marvelous person.