Palestinian antics

Omar gave us an excellent example of irony by first complaining about lies and disinformation, then proceeding to propagate some of his own. Deamer supported Omar’s assertions by branding Israel as an aggressor and invader, ignoring the fact that the Israeli-occupied lands were taken by repelling an Arab invasion in 1967.

I believe most rational persons have had it with the antics of the Palestinians. How can anyone support people who praised the murderers of Olympic athletes and danced in the streets after the World Trade Center attack? Any evils being visited upon the Palestinians are the direct result of their own actions. Israelis are only doing what is necessary to protect their children from being blown apart by nail bombs, while Palestinians are raising children for the express purpose of becoming suicide bombers. I can only conclude that people who justify the Palestinian cause must be incredibly naÃive, or culturally biased, or just eager to display a contrarian attitude.

Tony Miller,
