Latest Douglas County court filings for Jan. 7, 2019

photo by: Chris Conde/Journal-World File Photo

The Douglas County Courthouse at 1100 Massachusetts St., which houses the county government, is shown on Sept. 15, 2018.


Joshua Aaron Baden, 29, Lawrence, and Kara Caitlin Protasio, 26, Lawrence.

Eric Michael Carabetta, 28, Lawrence, and Ashley Nicole Adkins, 29 Lawrence.

Jamie William Reed Jr., 19, Fort Huachuca Ariz., and Shayla Renae Bowers, 19, Lawrence.

Jayden Mark Garetson, 21, Lawrence, and Kendra Leigh Rogers, 21, Gardner.

Keunwoo Lee, 30, Lawrence, and Sunyoung Yoon, 29, Kansas City.

Andrew Trent Spikes, 39, Lawrence, and Cecily Moore, 40, Lawrence.

Allyson Stanton, 31, Lawrence, and Stephanie Wittman, 32, Lawrence.

Andrew James Davis, 23, Lawrence, and Andrea Johnson, 23, Lawrence.

Jesse Benjamin Carr, 39, Lawrence, and Dana Lynn Christie, 26, Lawrence.

Alexis Virginia Darlene Pool, 18, Lawrence, and Nikita Renee Watts, 19, Lawrence.


Daniel Kent Wilcox, 53, Baldwin City, and Sara Melissa Wilcox, 45, Baldwin City.

Joshua Ingram, 24, Lawrence, and Megan Ingram, 23, Lawrence.

Erin Spurlock, 27, Lawrence, and Brett K. Spurlock, 36, Kansas City Mo.

Rhonda Samsel, 31, Colorado Springs, Colo., and Ryan M. Samsel, 34, Wellsville.


Michael M. Harnden Jr., 1428 Tamarisk Court, Eudora.


The Douglas County sheriff holds a public auction of foreclosed property at 10 a.m. every Thursday in the jury assembly room of the Douglas County Courthouse. Anyone can bid, including the previous owner.

No new foreclosures in Douglas County.