Interested in being a Big Brother or Big Sister? Chat with the local executive director on what the program is all about

Patti Broyles, executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Douglas County, says there is a growing list of youths in need of a mentor. Chat with Broyles at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30, about how you can get involved or get answers to your questions about the program.


Good afternoon. This is Dennis Anderson, managing editor of the Lawrence Journal-World. I will be moderating today’s chat with Patti Broyles, executive director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Douglas County. Welcome Patti.

Patti Broyles

Thank you for having me here today. I look forward to answering questions!


Please briefly explain how the program works.

Patti Broyles

Big Brothers Big Sisters makes a one on one match between an at-risk youth and a volunteer. We have several programs you can choose from…our most well known program is our Community Based matches – this matches a youth with an adult (or couple or family) mentor for 2-3 hours a week – spending time together doing just regular things like grocery shopping, going to a movie, taking a hike, cooking a meal, fishing – anything you and your “little” like to do together. We also have a Bigs in School program where the adult volunteer goes to the school during lunch and has lunch with the “little” and talks or helps with homework etc. This takes about 1 hour per week.


How does the program work with couples of families? What’s involved?

Patti Broyles

This type of match allows either or both parts of the couple to spend time with the youth doing things together. In a family match – the children of the family also get the chance to interact with the youth and form friendships and have fun doing activities as a group.


What is the process of becoming a volunteer, or a Big?

Patti Broyles

You can go to our website and find out more detailed information as well as request an application. Also, you can stop by our office at 1525 West 6th Street #A here in Lawrence and we will personally walk you through the process. Once you have inquired and filled out an application we will provide you with an orientation and then process your application. This includes background checks and reference along with other personal history. We want to be certain to keep our “littles” safe and make a good match that will last for many years.


I have some questions from our readers. Here you go.


Does the program try to match up those of the same race–if available?

Patti Broyles

Yes, we can try to honor this request if available.


My wife and I don’t have alot of time but I would like to be a Big Couple, what are the suggestions on spending time with a Little or do you have other ways to volunteer?

Patti Broyles

The best time spent with a Little might involve some of the everyday activities that you already have planned. If you can incorporate the Little into your life and share experiences that might not necessarily be the “norm” for this child….raking leaves, cooking a meal, making cookies, sitting down to a dinner, walking the dog – just sharing your life and hanging out together one on one talking can be a special time. If you do not feel able to commit this time we are always welcoming of volunteers to help us with events, putting out our newsletter and other administrative type help is always welcome!


Do you have a waiting lists of children needed a Big Brother or a Big Sister?

Patti Broyles

Yes, we currently have 164 Littles waiting for a Big…..we’re waiting on you! 🙂


It that number higher of lower than a year ago?

Patti Broyles

This number fluctuates between 120 and 200 depending upon the time of year.


What are some of the organization’s greatest challenges right now?

Patti Broyles

We are concentrating on recruiting male volunteers for our boy Littles….some of our boys can wait up to 2 years for a match and this is heartbreaking to us. We have been doing presentations with fraternities as well as other male based community groups such as Rotary Club and others. If you would like us to make a presentation to your group give us a call at 785-843-7359.


We are out of time. I would like to thank the readers for their questions and Patti Broyles for her time and answers.

Patti Broyles

Thank you so much for having me here to answer questions about Big Brothers Big Sisters. WE are waiting to hear from you BIGS and will be happy to answer other questions you might have about our programs. Come on in or give us a call…