Chat about law to confront school bullies

State Rep. Terrie Huntington, R-Mission Hills, who helped to create the bill to protect classmates from being bullied, will discuss the initiative. Send in your questions about what the state and schools can do to prevent bullying.


You seem to concentrate most on the bullies, but it isn’t the bullies who kill.
What are you doing for the “bullied”? What actions are being taken to correct the pain of the “bullied”, which is where the problem truly lies?

Won’t reprimanding only the bullies have consequences down the road?
What are the long-term effects on the bullies of repressing the bullies?

Again, it is not the bullies who kill. It is the “bullied” who kill. Actions taken for the “bullied” may have more benefit.


First, I would like to thank Representative Huntington for her work on this very important piece of legislation. While I believe that school districts take this problem very seriously, I’m still concerned about how we will monitor the effectiveness of the programs in place. I know that when you originally introduced the bill in education committee there was a provision that required school districts to survey students about the effectiveness of the plan, did that provision survive? If not, should parents ask their local districts to make that a voluntary part of their plan? Our students are really the only ones that know if what is in place is working. Again, thank you for your work on behalf of Kansas students.
Kathy Cook, Executive Director, Kansas Families United for Public Education.


In order to demonstrate that physical violence is not an acceptable means of dealing with conflict, should the state of Kansas ban corporal punishment, as 27 of 50 states have already done, and as recommended by medical and educational organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, National Association of State Boards of Education, National Association of School Psychologists, National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse and the National Association of School Nurses?

John Martellaro
Board President
Kansas Families United for Public Education


Does this bill protect students who are gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered? What should a student do who is being bullied at school because he/she are LGBT? What if the teacher or administrator don’t do anything about the bullying for LGBT specifically?


Dear readers.
We have not been able to reach our guest this afternoon. I apologize for any inconvenience. -Dennis Anderson, managing editor of the Lawrence Journal-World


Dear readers.
We have not been able to reach our guest this afternoon. I apologize for any inconvenience. -Dennis Anderson, managing editor of the Lawrence Journal-World