Chat about reducing jail recidivism with Undersheriff Kenny Massey

Jail officials are working on ways to slow that revolving door and hold down the number of inmates, which has been on the increase. Jail employees are building a plan that will involve support services for every inmate upon release, ranging from drug counseling to mental health assistance to faith-based mentoring. This month, staff began working to reform many aspects of jail services. Their effort will touch on everything from where inmates are housed at the jail to what kind of help they receive when they exit the double doors. Massey, who oversees the jail, will take your questions.


Good afternoon everyone. I’m Dennis Anderson, managing editor of the Lawrence Journal-World. I will be moderating today’s chat with Douglas County Undersheriff Kenny Massey, who is the Douglas County Jail administrator. Welcome Undersheriff.

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

Thanks for this opportunity to address reentry questions.


The Journal-World wrote a story last week about the county jail’s new program to work to reduce the number of inmates quickly return to jail after being released. Please summarize that program.

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

Our reentry program will help promote public safety by housing low risk offenders in a supportive enviorment. In addition it will help offenders develop into productive citizens through employment, education, vocational training and related services as they transition form incarceration into the community.


Will you be referring the inmates to community resources for these services or will you hire staff to provide these services on-site?

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

Currently we have staff in place to begin this reentry program but as it grows extra staffing may be needed. Inmates will be tied directly to services while in custody so that the services gap will be greatly reduced upon the inmate’s release.


I understand the problems that inmates with drug and mental problems are causing the corrections system. My question is where will the county dtaw the line between services offered through corrections and services offered by a provider like Bert Nash or the limited state mental health system.

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

There is no line- Bert Nash is currently providing services within our facility and are contracted to help with our inmate’s mental health needs. As we progress through this reentry program Bert Nash will continue to be a vital part of the inmates successful transition into the community.


Do you believe that the jail’s food quality, rec programs and carpeted day rooms lessen the negativity to repeat inmates? I know people here in Lawrence who prefer jail over the streets in the winter and in the blazing hot summer months.

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

No, our quality food service, program areas and recreation yards- In our opinion have no bearing on an inmate reoffending. Main factors of reoffending are – lack of education, lack of employment, lack of housing, and lack of services upon release into the community.


Do you think giving inmates less privileges will keep them from coming back? I feel inmates who are charged with a crime should be housed in tents, and given bare essentials to survive on.

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

No, the more programs and services that we can provide within our facility and community will greatly enhance an offenders chances for success. Programs and services can be and have been directly related to success stories all over the United States.


Who would decide what inmates are mentally ill and which have addictions that they area ready to tackle?Do you feel any resentment for having this issue put on the jail’s policy?

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

We already have these mental health assessments in place wihtin our facility. Bert Nash and corrections staff do a great job of identifying inmates with mental heatlh issues and those with substace abuse addictions.


Will you be referring these inmates to community resources for these services or will you be hiring staff to provide these services on-site?

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

We already have staff in place and connections with resources within the community already exist.


Can you explain to me why we need two Undersheriffs? There are other counties bigger than ours that have to run a jail and other regular operations but they don’t have two Undersheriffs.

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

Our plan is to implement these programs and services without any additional cost to the tax payer. We have been looking at this program by trying to avoid extra prisoner housing costs, additional staff, or cost for tying in services to the inmates. With all of the resources we currently have in place we feel confident no extra funding will be needed at this time.


What kind of training do deputies get before they actually work around mental patients?

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

We currently provide approximately 300 hours of training to new officers; a part of this training deals with identifying those with mental illness. Bert Nash provides annual training for all of our corrections officers/deputies relating to dealing effectively with mentally ill inmates, along with training to recognize and prevent suicidal tendencies of our inmates.


At least one near-by county’s sheriff has a policy requiring mentally ill, seriously ill, oddly acting, or injurred arrestees to be first cleared by a medical person – or taken to a nearby hospital or mental health clinic. The police taking these persons to the county jail aren’t happy with the policy; having to wait around etc. How does Douglas county handle such persons/situations?

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

Our staff begin to access arrestees as soon as they enter our facilities vehicle sallyport. If it is determined that the arrestee has serious mental health issues, is injured, or has a high blood alchohol level the arrestee must be taken to a hospital for medical clearance before being admitted into our booking area.


I want to thank Undersheriff Massey for taking part in our online conversation today, and our readers for their questions.

Undersheriff Kenny Massey

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this very important reentry process as we feel the entire community and Douglas County will benefit greatly from its success.