Letter to the editor: The balloon has popped

To the editor:

The balloon of deceit, lies, unfaithfulness and lawlessness ran up against a jury armed with facts. And the balloon popped. And when that happened all those hanging on to the string dropped too. What should they do? Donald Trump says the jury decision doesn’t count, it’s the Nov. 5 decision that really counts. As if getting a few more votes than someone else is more important than the rule of law.

They can’t close their eyes to the truth or run away from reality. They can’t let their loss of character cause our country to disintegrate. There is a safety net that can protect them from falling to Earth: The Republican Convention July 15, if they come to their senses before it’s too late.

The Republican party had plenty of good quality men and women before Trump. They haven’t gone away. They haven’t lost their character over the past eight years. They’re still there. But are they hiding their lights under a bushel? Are they afraid of stepping out in the light, afraid of the wrath they will face if they don’t stubbornly cling to a convicted felon loser?

Their balloon has popped. Our country cannot survive with just one party. We need them to do what many of them have been wanting to do for eight years. We can’t help them do it. It requires character that has been lacking lately. We’re pulling for you. We need your back. July 15 is just around the corner. Will you show up?

Charley Crabtree,



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